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When the FAA gave SpaceX the green light to peacefully launch Starships into space, the company recently discovered that SN20 and B4 were getting worn out and out of date.

Sad to say that the SN20 and B4 have already been manufactured and stored in their respective bays for nine months. Therefore, they cannot be prepared for test and orbital test flight.

So SpaceX decided to divert its concentration from SN20 and B4 and took the bold step of building another new prototype, which is Ship 24 or SN 24 and Booster 7 or B7.

This particular prototype can be described as a variety of spice in space. Stay tuned to the end of this video as we introduce notable features of the SN24 and B7 rockets – of course, SpaceX plans to get this done as quickly as possible.

The FAA’s delay in granting launch permits to SpaceX was a disaster that SpaceX has faced since the company’s founding and pushed SpaceX into losses costing millions of dollars. SpaceX is working hard to develop several prototypes of the Starship.

Most importantly, Ship 20, also known as SN 20, and Booster 4, also known as B4. These rockets had to be stacked together so that the SN20 would be on top, while the ship and B4 would be at the bottom, to form a giant rocket that would be 394 feet tall when fully assembled.

The nightmare SpaceX was up against was that the FAA had yet to give the company approval to test any Starships at starbase Boca Chica in Texas. As a result, then it was impossible to conduct tests on these prototypes. But nothing is lost so far.

Elon Musk — the man the public describes as impossible, and SpaceX building another giant pair of starships called the SN24 and B7 — might make anyone say wow at first sight.

SpaceX had to design the X logo on the nose cone of Ship 24 to reflect its spectacular structure and as a sign to quietly accentuate the company’s heritage in space through every Ship 24 that took off in space. According to the most recent information from Boca Chica, after much trial and error, the heat-shield tiles were successfully fitted on the Starship SN24.

A very small internal pipe that was probably transporting the high-pressure gas also collapsed during one of Ship 24’s initial tests, causing damage to the heat shield tiles that had already been fixed and others. Nearby pipeline.

So building the S24 was a cumbersome task but no worse than the SN20. Both issues were novel failure scenarios for the Starship program. They served as a reminder that the hardware is still new and that SpaceX is still learning.

It took SpaceX engineers a few days to resolve all the defects on Sn24. The fact that the B7 and S24 passed the second test with no apparent trouble, after all defects were corrected, shows that SpaceX engineers can act swiftly on any new issues.

SpaceX installed 33 Raptor engines and associated heat shielding on Booster 7 for about six weeks, while the installation of Ship 24’s six Raptor and some other tasks took about four weeks to complete.

The intense testing and several Six-Raptor static fires that the Starship S20 endured in 2021 will be of great help to the Starship S24’s test campaign. The last was accomplished by an older rocket prototype except for three-engine steady fire.

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