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SpaceX: Employees who wrote letter criticizing CEO Elon Musk fired

SpaceX has reportedly fired employees who helped write and distribute an open letter criticizing CEO Elon Musk’s behavior.

According to these reports Gwen Shotwell, president of the spacecraft engineering company, sent an email in which she said that the firm had conducted an investigation and had terminated many of the employees involved.

With that letter it is unclear at this stage how many employees were actually fired. A group of SpaceX employees described Musk as a distraction and embarrassment in an internal letter they sent to executives. He had also listed three demands in this letter.

The first was that SpaceX should separate itself from Musk’s personal brand, the second was that the company should hold all leadership equally accountable in making SpaceX a great place to work for everyone and finally Demanded that they should define and respond equally to all forms of unacceptable.

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