Jordan Peterson shows off that big tech drip in his new Twitter suit, complete with Elon Musk tie

When Jordan Peterson put out a video about the Twitter suit, which could mean a lawsuit and what he was trying to do with Elon Musk. JP may have his reasons and Elon may take it personally.

It turns out that Jordan Peterson meant an actual suit inspired by Twitter. It has an Elon Musk tie and everything. There is a custom suit company that created twelve suits for each of Peterson’s 12 Laws of Life.

When asked if he wanted a Twitter suit, Peterson replied “Well, now I do.” Elon Musk’s tie is getting the most attention, but for me, it’s the lining made up of Twitter comments that scream “drip god.” Some people are joking. Tell me you wouldn’t love to see Peterson’s adventures in space and time.

Too bad he didn’t rock this suit before Elon took over. Twitter 1.0’s workforce shortage can be turned into a renewable energy source. Some of them may be too agitated to come out of their nap.

Elon Musk has yet to comment on Peterson’s stance and profile. However he is shocked by the news that Peterson may lose his license to practice psychology unless he undergoes social media re-education.

Jordan Peterson. Powerful source of inspiration. fashion icon. There is nothing this man can’t do! Keep an eye out for his upcoming book, “12 Rules for Looking Fresh as F*ck.”

Original Content @louderwithcrowder

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