If You Hate Elon Musk Watch This Article It Will Change Your Mind, Elon Musk’s Speech

Elon Musk said all these things, we should listen, if I made that money I would sit on a beach, I drink beer and I watch the sunset like a corona beer ad, it would be torture if I had to having to do that would be really awesome for me really need to be busy doing.

If I like to sit there comfortably then I can do it only for very short time and then it becomes unbearable and you want to make money but are you just driven by profit motive and doing dollar ranking .

Yes no i am a volunteer i mean i don’t need the money i mean its not like me i am sitting here saying i wish i could buy more such things i could buy this i I get minimum wage, in fact I don’t get overtime.

You know i think my kind of drive to get it done is something different than the excitement of hope or something simple for the very least stressful you will have more time for other things but will you be happy uh no .

I don’t get sad so it really sounds like you’re wired to do it then you should do it but not otherwise, it’s not going to optimize your free time or anything like this It will be extremely difficult and stressful.

So if you need it you should be compelled to do that motivational words don’t do that yes i mean starting a company is really hard i mean you basically have to work consistently you know that You have to prepare.

That you have to be prepared to do a lot more when you wake up than when you’re asleep, I wouldn’t recommend it for most people.

I definitely feel stressed yes it’s like we’ve been incredibly hard and painful the past several months absolutely yes yes I mean I’m sleeping on the factory floor because I feel like it’s time to sleep is a fun place.

You know that horrible sleep on the factory floor why are you doing this because I don’t have time to go home and take a shower I don’t think people should experience difficulty while the CEO I am certainly at the level of success Don’t expect to see.

because i am actually an engineer and but i found out what i want to do to do engineering i have to have my own company otherwise someone will make me do something i don’t want to do for myself it always does.

If we succeed that’s what I’m doing no matter what world 3 and so there are easier ways to make money than starting a rocket company or say a car company, that’s not likely to get into my rocket business.

Never built anything knowing nothing about rockets i mean i have to go crazy if i talk to the archer by my side why do you start it when something important happens even if the vlog is on your side Don’t be in, how much is your personal fortune. Put this hundred million dollars into 100 million dollars that you didn’t believe would work out in the beginning.

But the age it hit rock bottom, the first rocket failed to reach orbit and an early model Tesla Roadster had quality problems in 2008, the rocket company isn’t doing well you’ve got three failures bleeding car company Is.

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