How will Elon Musk meet the food requirement?

How we’ll keep people alive on multi-year missions to a hostile alien planet. You may have heard recently that NASA scientists were able to grow a sapling from the Moon in soil samples of lunar regolith that returned to Earth at 0:33 a.m. The Apollo missions were recently used for testing.

Moon soil increases to the capacity of an earth plant and it worked We grew a moon plant and then a few weeks ago we got this new report from Zurong in China. The rover has found this hydrated mineral crater in Utopia. Preliminary results point to the presence of groundwater or to surface water flows on Mars.

As recently as we believed we’re still talking millions of years ago, it’s as if we just missed out on a lake, but this goes against previous beliefs that Mars has been a dry freeze for billions of years. For Stone, those two stories clearly got me thinking about Matt Damon.

At that time he grew potatoes in the soil of Mars, but did not use his own prey and one. Homemade contraption for making water from hydrogen and oxygen as created by Matt Damon, but the idea has some merit.

The people here on Earth are already working on making it, it’s not surprising that Elon Musk has a role in all of this too. So let’s try to figure out how close we are to farming on the march of this space. The race is to start with the idea that we can just take one.

Plant that grew in earth soil and just sown it in soil from an alien world and got the same result of healthy functioning plant actually 2 works well again yes and no looking at some follow up moon plant We can see the article on the experiment.

That mustard greens were planted in the lunar regolith sprouted and developed in a similar manner to those grown in the soil of the earth, which lasted about a week. After day six, plants in the regolith showed slow growth and spots on the leaves.

The plants were under significant stress compared to the earth soil control plants. The experiment was still successful. Because the Moon plants survived the entire 20-day test period, they did not thrive on the Moon.

Supporting healthy plant growth Yet researchers say it could be a powerful learning experience It is possible that we can use genetic data from Moon plants to specifically engineer new varieties of plants.

We genetically modify plants all the time to make them better food crops. Here on Earth there’s no reason we can’t do the same for the Moon.

But what about Mars Unfortunately we don’t have a sample of Mars soil yet NASA currently has a sample return mission in the works Collecting rock and soil from their Persistence rover as we speak and in the works Future plans.

Get those samples back on Earth hopefully by the year 2033, but it’s going to be complicated, although we do have a pretty good idea of ​​what Martian regolith is. We’ve spent a very long time studying the planet from afar. And in Driving Robots Around It, the theory was right about Matt Damon having all the nutrients.

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