Elon Musk Dragged For Inadvertent Self-Own After Admitting Communicating Via Twitter Isn’t Helpful

Twitter CEO Elon Musk should have re-read his response to a concerned employee who was unsure of his employment status and resorted to contacting Musk directly, the platform he acquired for $44 billion.

Elon Musk’s response to reprimanding employee who inadvertently injured himself was a rediculous admission about Twitter.

Elon Musk was later mocked for arguing that verbally interacting with people was a far better communication option than using Twitter.

The employee who questioned his employment status after his work computer locked out without warning was Haraldur Thorleifsson, a 45-year-old disabled entrepreneur who lives in the Icelandic capital Reykjavík with a wife and two children. .

When Hallie fruitlessly reached out to the HR department through the appropriate channels and didn’t hear back, she decided to go straight to the source and tweeted Elon Musk to ask if he had been fired.

The strategy of last resort prompted the CEO to jokingly respond, “What the hell are you working on?”

Halli, who suffers from muscular dystrophy – a disease that causes muscles to weaken over time – responded by saying that he saved Twitter $500,000 on a software-as-a-service contract and prioritized design projects. led.

After Halley told Musk the head of HR contacted him and told him he was fired, Musk continued to harp on it and made an able comment, saying that Halley:

“…did no real work, claimed as his excuse that he had a disability that prevented him from typing, yet was simultaneously tweeting a storm.”
After some back-and-forth continued in the thread, a Twitter user who worked closely with Haley confirmed that his work performance and work ethic were “next level”.

Musk then said that he video-called Halley “to find out what was real versus what I was told.”

He then proposed:

“It’s better to talk to people than to communicate through tweets.”


People thought the last part of the insufferable Twitter boss’ statement was a hilarious selfie.

An hour later, Musk backtracked and apologized to Halley, calling it a “misunderstanding”.

He also gave a positive update on Halli’s employment status.

“I want to apologize to Hallie for my misunderstanding of her situation.”
“It was based on things I was told were untrue or true in some cases, but not meaningful. He is considering staying on Twitter.”


However, people still weren’t convinced by Musk’s suggestion to adopt a solution he clearly believed was more efficient than tweeting.








Users continued to criticize the CEO’s MO of handling the situation.

Elon Musk has laid off thousands of Twitter employees since his acquisition in October as a way to maintain profitability for the platform.

According to The New York Times, the number of employees was reduced from about 7,500 to 2,000 in October as part of his cost-cutting strategy.

Original Content @NBCNEWS

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