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Roseanne Barr Kicks George Clooney Out Of Her New Show, “Woke People Aren’t Welcome Here”

Roseanne Barr Kicks George Clooney Out Of Her New Show, “Woke People Aren’t Welcome Here”

In a move that has left Hollywood elites reeling and Twitter users in a frenzy, Roseanne Barr has reportedly kicked George Clooney out of her new TV show, citing that “woke people aren’t welcome here.” The bold decision comes as Barr continues her meteoric rise as the self-proclaimed queen of anti-woke television.

It all began on a Monday morning, the kind of day where the sun seems to mock you, and the coffee is just a little too bitter. Clooney, fresh off another round of awards ceremonies and photo ops with endangered animals, arrived on set with his trademark charm and a perfectly groomed beard that could make even a lumberjack weep.

“Roseanne, darling,” Clooney reportedly said, flashing that million-dollar smile, “I’ve got some great ideas for the show. How about a storyline where we tackle climate change through the lens of a middle-class family?”

Barr, who was busy overseeing a scene where a character accidentally shoots his own foot while trying to make a point about the Second Amendment, turned slowly to face him. The silence was deafening. The crew exchanged nervous glances. Even the boom mic operator held his breath.

“George,” Barr began, her voice calm but carrying the weight of a thousand unspoken truths, “we’re not doing that here.”

Unfazed, Clooney pressed on. “But Roseanne, this is important stuff! Think of the message we could send. We could have a scene where the family discusses their carbon footprint over a vegan dinner. It’s the kind of thing that could change minds, spark a movement!”

Barr’s eyes narrowed. “George,” she said, “this show is about real Americans. The kind of people who eat steak, drive trucks, and don’t need some Hollywood actor telling them how to live their lives.”

Clooney, sensing the tide turning against him, attempted to pivot. “Okay, okay, I get it. How about we do something on social justice? Maybe the family could volunteer at a local community center or—”

But it was too late. Barr had made up her mind. She walked over to Clooney, placed a firm hand on his shoulder, and leaned in close. “George,” she said, “woke people aren’t welcome here. This is a show for the people who still believe in common sense, not the ones who think they’re saving the world by drinking oat milk.”

The news of Clooney’s ousting spread like wildfire through the entertainment industry. Pundits and late-night hosts couldn’t resist weighing in.

“This is the most shocking thing to happen in Hollywood since Leo didn’t win an Oscar for ‘The Revenant’ on the first try,” quipped one talk show host. “Roseanne kicking Clooney out is like Clint Eastwood telling a cowboy to take a hike.”

Social media exploded, with hashtags like #ClooneyTooWoke and #RoseanneUnleashed trending for days. Twitter users divided into camps, with some praising Barr’s stance against Hollywood’s “woke agenda” and others decrying her as out of touch with modern values.

Clooney, for his part, took the high road. In a statement released through his publicist, he said, “I have nothing but respect for Roseanne and her vision for the show. However, I believe that television has the power to influence positive change, and I will continue to pursue projects that align with my values.”

Undeterred by the controversy, Barr doubled down on her vision for the show. “This is about making TV that reflects the real America,” she told a group of reporters at a press conference held in front of a massive American flag. “People are tired of being told what to think by the Hollywood elite. They want to laugh, they want to see themselves on screen, and they want a show that isn’t afraid to speak its mind.”

When asked if she was concerned about alienating potential viewers with her no-woke policy, Barr shrugged. “If they don’t like it, they can watch something else. There’s plenty of tofu-eating, Prius-driving, save-the-whales kind of shows out there. This isn’t one of them.”

Meanwhile, Clooney has reportedly been in talks with several streaming platforms about developing a new show of his own. Insiders say the project, tentatively titled “Woke & Proud,” will feature a diverse cast tackling issues like climate change, social justice, and animal rights.

“George is really passionate about this,” said an unnamed source close to the actor. “He wants to create something that not only entertains but also educates. He’s not afraid to take risks, and he believes there’s an audience out there who wants to see more woke content.”

As the dust settles, one thing is clear: the clash between Barr and Clooney represents more than just a disagreement over creative differences. It’s a microcosm of the broader cultural battles playing out in America today, where the lines between entertainment and ideology are increasingly blurred.

For now, Barr remains unfazed by the controversy, and Clooney continues to champion his causes. Whether this marks the beginning of a new era in television or just another chapter in the ongoing culture wars remains to be seen.

One thing’s for sure, though: it’s going to be one hell of a show.

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