How SpaceX and NASA Plan To Colonize Mars!


Let’s talk about colonizing a planet and leaving Earth for a new home on the surface of an alien world, in the words of Elon Musk Spreading the Light of Consciousness to the Stars Exploring New Worlds One of our favorite science fiction fantasies is flight.

There is calm all around in space and at some point our heroes have to step onto a new planet with new adventures and the first step for humanity towards a multi-planetary existence must undoubtedly be Mars, which we have been eyeing for decades. The Red Planet and it finally looks like it’s time for us to take the next giant leap and establish a human presence on Mars.

This is clearly not going to be easy, in fact the difficulties posed by a Martian settlement are staggering. The threat is terrifying. We can manage to work together towards that one common goal.

So expanding humanity to a multi-planetary existence really starts to feel like something we can accomplish in this generation. It’s the space race. Okay so the first inconvenient truth that you can come across is the state of Mars as a whole. Let’s run, given how deadly Mars is to humans like there is nothing conducive about this environment and this is going to be the first major problem that we need to solve.

Perhaps the biggest obstacle on Mars is going to be its very thin atmosphere, the atmospheric pressure on Mars is less than one percent of what we have here on Earth, which means humans will not be able to survive outside the pressurized atmosphere, even if We can breathe on Mars, the low pressure will cause your circulatory system to fail in less than a minute and this also means that liquid water is physically impossible on Mars at an average temperature of negative 60°C.

Obviously the water on the surface will freeze but even if you heat the ice on Mars to the point of melting it will never become a liquid due to the low pressure atmosphere, the water will move directly from the solid ice to the gas or Will transfer to vapor, then the dust Mars is known for its huge dust storms. Can spread for miles about once every decade.

We don’t even know why a dust storm occurs that devours the entire planet, but it poses a serious problem for any technology that surfaces on the 2018 NASA Opportunity rover. Hit by a dust storm that coated it to the point that the solar panels had failed, Mars’ dust is electrostatic.

So it has a unique tendency to stick to any surface if you think sand gets everywhere wait until you see Martian dust and if that dust wasn’t enough toxic exposure to Martian dust Humans have the potential to cause serious lung diseases, so anything that enters our habitat must be completely dust-free.

If that wasn’t enough then we have cosmic radiation on top of it because Mars has very little atmosphere, it has very little protection even from the bottomless giant nuclear reactor, which is our Sun, we still don’t know exactly where humans live on the planet What this means for life, we have ideas about protecting the colonists of Mars from cosmic radiation, but it’s unlikely we can stop 100 waves.

We don’t really have any data on what kind of effect that would have on people. Most of us know. Apollo astronauts who spent a few days outside the Earth’s magnetic field seem to have recovered, most of them people. Ripe lives to old age, with few complications Buzz Aldrin is still punching flat clay in the face at age 90.

What happens after weeks to months or years of exposure is what we don’t know and the first colonists of Mars are going to be our guinea pigs for this whole experiment, largely acknowledging the people who visited Mars. That would be part of the exposure to cosmic radiation and it could turn them into the Magnificent Four or it could give them space cancer.

Talking about sending people to Mars, Elon Musk said that people will probably die and he is probably right that the leading phase of Mars settlement will be harsh to say the least, but can it ever be easier? All the evidence What we have points to the fact that Mars was not always a frozen desert planet.

We’re pretty sure that liquid water on the surface was present in 4.6 billion at some point. There is still hope that we may find some kind of fossilized remains of life on Mars,    Once upon a time there was an atmosphere so what happened to it and can we get it back can we turn the planet mars into an earth like atmosphere so the theory is that if a planet’s atmosphere disappears it will move in two directions Can go in one.

Either atmospheric elements such as carbon dioxide are absorbed into the planet’s surface or those elements dissipate into space. Unfortunately for us it seems that the situation on Mars is of the latter, it is likely that the solar winds removed the atmosphere from Mars. And the reason for this is because we know that the Earth’s interior is very lively because of the magnetic field.

We live on tectonic plates that float on top of a layer of molten rock that surrounds a hot rotating core of the Earth, internally generating a powerful magnetic field that extends out into space beyond Earth’s center. is around us and which forms a protective shield against all the dangerous goods that come near us.

Sun on a daily basis Mars doesn’t have any plate tectonics or rotating magnetic core as far as we can tell it’s a big chunk of rock so no protective shield at least for now it It may have been different in the past but at some point that activity stopped and over the course of billions of years the Martian atmosphere escaped into space.

So to say that it’s not easy or possible to put the atmosphere back on Mars, but that hasn’t stopped people from coming up with some crazy ideas. Take Elon Musk for example, he thinks we should drive Mars crazy. , but he’s got the right idea that we know Mars has carbon dioxide and hydrogen and oxygen on its surface.

There is notably a lot of ice in the regions of the planet, so the nuclear Mars theory suggests that if we detonate a whole bunch of nuclear bombs in space above the poles we would essentially have a miniature Sun on Mars.

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